Univ. of New Hampshire Research Site 2012 |
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Tori Ward and Lily Zhao at NH research site. |
Kaitlyn Steele, Grad. stu. (left), Tori Ward and Lily Zhao. |
Paula Mugnani doing species sampling. |
Aboard UNH's RV Gulf Challenger, collecting sediment samples from the Great Bay Estuary. |
Abisko Scientific Research Station, Abisko, Sweden 2012 |
Arriving in Abisko, Sweden. |
Abisko River (left), Stordalen (middle), and fellow Nancy Freitas viewing Norway |
Visiting a Norwegian troll. |
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Sophie deploying sensors. |
Pond sensors deployed in Stordalen Mire. |
Maria Paula, Stordalen Mire. | Soil Gas Sampling Array. |
Poster Session 2012 |
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2012 Students & Faculty |
Alejandro Svede with poster. |
Lily Zhao with poster. |
Sophia Burke with poster |
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Nancy Freitas with poster. |
Marial Mugnani with poster |
Ryan Lawrence with poster |
Rebecca Jacobson with poster. |
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Dan Ackerman with poster. |
Victoria Ward with poster |
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