Our geo-science and environmental science students hail from a wide range of institutions and disciplines. All are interested in scientific research and are participating in our study of biogeochemical processes in northern upland and wetland ecosystems.
2014 Students
Jynessa Samson
Elizabeth City State University
Marine Environmental Science major
Hi! My name is Jynessa Sampson. I am 21 years old and from Jackson, Mississippi. I am currently entering my senior year at Elizabeth City State University in Elizabeth City, NC. I will be graduating in May 2015 with a B.S. in Marine Environmental Science and a minor in Chemistry.
My project for the NERU Program involves submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in three of the main lakes in the mire. My mentor, Dr. Maurice Crawford, fellow intern, Kristen Stilson, and I will be surveying these lakes taking various water property measurements (temperature, pH, conductivity, ect.) along with soil and vegetation samples. We will then attempt to identify these SAV down to the species. Sediment samples will be sent back to UNH to be run through a particle analyzer to determine the percent sand, silt, and clay.
Our goal is to come to a deeper understanding of exactly what lies on the bottom of these lakes in terms of SAV.